Do you burn calories when doing yoga ?


1. What exactly is yoga burn? 

Yoga Burn is a 12-week program for all women who want to reshape their bodies and increase their metabolic rate by burning calories. 

Zoe Bray-Cotton's Yoga Burn program (was maned before "Her Yoga Secrets") is a 12-week program designed to help women shed weight and tighten trouble areas in their bodies.

Without going to the gym or even leaving the home, the program uses yoga Dynamics sequencing to create a tighter, toned, and sexier body. 

This method is unique among fitness videos in that it is progressive, ensuring you will obtain a yoga routine for 12 weeks that will eventually get more complicated.

Each routine builds on the previous one, so you'll keep getting better as you burn more calories. 

2. What is the price of yoga burn? 

Yoga Burn is now available for $67, which is a great deal because you get 12 weeks of workouts which is cheaper than a session with a private yoga teacher.

Special offer: By accessing the website from here and watching the video, you can stand a chance to win a $37 discount. 

3. Yoga burn, how does it work? 

As previously said, the curriculum is inclusive, and you can receive exercises tailored to women for a period of 12 weeks. 

To get the best results, Zoe, the program's creator, suggests attending three 45-minute yoga classes a week. 

Yoga burn is focused on an innovative and effective strategy. Each exercise is customized to you and your current objectives.

The curriculum is split into three phases, with each level building on the previous one to provide greater stability and burn calories. The software as a whole adheres to the ideals of dynamic sequencing. 

Click Here to Access Yoga Burn

3.1. The first phase is the base flow phase.

This process contributes to the development of a solid yoga knowledge base. You can learn how to improve your endurance and metabolism without moving too quickly. This way, you'll practice all of the poses needed for yoga burn while minimizing the risk of injury. 

3.2. The second phase is the phase of the transitional flow.

You will help to improve the power and flexibility by rising the amount of calories burned if this step is skipped. You will practice new poses and begin to see differences in muscle tone. 

3.3. The third stage is the flow process of mastery.

This is where the magic takes place. Zoe will push you to burn more calories and make real improvements to your body by using the resilience, endurance, and increased metabolism from the previous phases. You will learn advanced sequences that many people cannot master, even after years of taking generic lessons. 

According to Zoe, the secret to the success of yoga burn is the fact that it's designed to be a stage by stage process.

If you've ever taken a yoga lesson, you've definitely noticed the improvement is slow. This is due to the fact that most levels do not progress from week to week; instead, you are just doing a random series of poses and sequences each week. 

Zoe's three phases of yoga burn have been tested by many women with great results . 

4. Who is Zoe bray-cotton? And what are her qualifications? 

Zoe bray Cotton is a licensed personal trainer, expert female body builder, and a yoga coach that is certified. 

She has over 15000 hours of yoga experience under her belt and has helped thousands of people lose weight. Yoga Burn is a simple-to-follow curriculum that incorporates her experience of yoga and female body transformations. 

Click Here to Access Yoga Burn

5. Yoga Burn's Advantages and Disadvantages 

5.1. Yoga burn Advantages

  • Yoga burn is a fantastic program for women looking to lose weight from the comfort of their home. 
  • It's an easy method that Zoe will walk you through in simple to follow walkthrough videos. 
  • The courses are simple to execute, diverse, and highly enjoyable. 
  • Regardless of your yoga skill level or your flexibility, there can be obstacles but nothing that insurmountable.
  • The course, according to Zoe, will boost your metabolism, help you lose weight, boost your immune system, and make you feel better overall. 
  • The course is available in a digital and downloadable format, DVD, and audio formats, allowing you to use it whenever you choose, and take it with you everywhere you go. 
  • The $37 price tag represents a great value for the service offered. 
  • If you don't have any progress in 60 days, you can apply for your money back.

5.2. Yoga burn Disadvantages

  • This is not a lay back weight loss program like what weight loss pills or diet offers, for this to work you will have to put in the work, and must stick to the program for 12 weeks straight and not skip
  • The classes are not 45-minute in reality,  it's more of a 15 minutes long classes that must be watched  three times. That is not a drawback since repetition is an essential aspect of the curriculum. 
  • This will not be very stimulating for Advanced yoga practitioners, because it will not challenge them enough.

6. Conclusion

Yoga burn is a great way to lose weight for people who are interested in working out from the comfort of their home. Yoga is a great way to lose weight because it offers advantages that goes way beyond the simple fact of losing weight like:

  • Yoga is good for the body, the mind and the spirit. 
  • Yoga relaxes you, allowing you to sleep well. 
  • Yoga brings you into contact with a welcoming group. 
  • Yoga encourages healthy self-care.
  • Yoga helps you gain strength, balance, and endurance. 
  • Back pain can be relieved with yoga. 
  • Yoga can help with arthritis symptoms. 
  • Yoga will help you feel more energized and happier. 
  • Yoga will help you deal with tension. 

Click Here to Access Yoga Burn

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